HSE to lead investigation into incident at Lambeth Country Show

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is now leading the investigation into a ride malfunction at the Lambeth Country Show.

On 8 June 2024, four people were injured as a result of the incident which occurred at Brockwell Park in London.

The ride involved in this incident is now being forensically examined by specialists at HSE’s Buxton Science and Research Centre.

HSE inspector Stacey Gamwell said: “We will continue to thoroughly investigate what happened and determine whether there were any breaches of health and safety law at the time of this incident. Once we have finished our investigation, a decision will then be made on whether formal enforcement is required in line with our enforcement policy. We remain in contact with those affected by the ride’s malfunction and will keep them updated throughout our investigation.”

The Metropolitan Police had previously been the lead agency, with primacy officially signed over to HSE on 16 July.

Notes to editors:

  1. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is Britain’s national regulator for workplace health and safety. We are dedicated to protecting people and places, and helping everyone lead safer and healthier lives.